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8 June 2020

How serious has covid-19 `s epidemic been in Crete? (June update)

covid-19 crete

As it’s likely already known via the international media, Greece (a country with a solid and eons- long tradition in the medical sciences dating back to the age of Hippocrates and Asclepius) is one of the countries that took drastic measures of prevention against COVID-19. As a result, the number of recorded cases as well as the number of deaths have been kept at a comparable minimum.

According to Wikipedia, as of 6/6/2020, Greece has 275 confirmed cases per million of inhabitants.

Crete, especially, has been of the areas in Greece where very few cases were confirmed. Indicatively, by mid-May the confirmed cases in Crete were only 16. The 16th case had been recorded on April 6, which means that for an entire month there had been no new confirmed cases.

Crete has a big tradition in tourism, and a significant percentage of its GDP comes from it. Cretans therefore have every interest and motivation to protect their tourist-guests and through them keep tourism thriving.

Crete also has outstanding medical facilities, public as well as private, ready to handle any kind of emergency and keep you safe.

For any inquiries on the matter or any related issue, don’t hesitate to contact us!


Stay safe, Travel Safe, Vacation Safe and Enjoy!

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